
Where Do You Buy Ghee Butter? The Full Moon Ghee Online Store!

by | Jun 27, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Where Do You Buy Ghee Butter? Explore Our Online Shop

Are you wondering where do you buy ghee butter? Not only do we carry traditional ghee in a wide variety of sizes, we also make flavored ghees that will delight your palate and enhance any recipe you add them to. Read on to learn more about our offerings, below. Then, visit the Full Moon Ghee online store!

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Traditional Ghee with an Auspicious Twist

Every month on the full moon, we set giant pots of local New England butter to simmering, melting it down to make our special ghee. Why make ghee on the full moon? According to the Indian tradition of Ayurveda, the full moon is the best, most auspicious time for making ghee.

“Just as the gravitational pull of the moon can draw upon the ocean tide, the moon at this time is said to do the same things for the essence of plants and medicine. For this reason, it is thought that the essence of the milk used to make ghee is most enhanced during this portion of the lunar period.” (Source: Banyan Botanicals)

At Full Moon Ghee, we simmer our ghee on the full moon until the milk solids separate from the butterfat and begin to caramelize, lending our ghee a slightly sweet, nutty flavor that subtly enhances your cooking. The milk solids are then strained out, leaving pure, lactose-free butterfat behind. Our ghee is delicious when added to grains, when used as a cooking fat for vegetables and proteins, or blended into your favorite drinks and smoothies.

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More Reasons to Buy Ghee Butter

In addition to bringing you the energy of the full moon, every spoonful of Full Moon Ghee delivers healthy fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. Ghee is believed to be sattvic: purifying to all the organ systems and calming for mind and body.

If you’re wondering, “Where do you buy ghee butter?” you can visit our online store to purchase traditional ghee in sizes ranging from 9 oz jars to gallon buckets!

Shop for Full Moon Ghee Online

Where Do You Buy Ghee Butter? Our Online Shop is Stocked with a Variety of Flavors

Traditional ghee is wonderful for its mild flavor and diverse uses. We also thought that ghee would be an excellent medium for infusing with additional beneficial ingredients. You can try our Chocolate Ghee, made simply with antioxidant-rich cacao and local honey. Or try our Turmeric Spiced Ghee, infused with digestion-boosting turmeric and ginger, and adaptogenic ashwagandha. It pairs well with both savory and sweet dishes and drinks (we love it in Golden Milk!). You can also shop for Rosemary Garlic Ghee — amazing on bread, potatoes or rice, as well as vegetables and meats. Locally grown rosemary and garlic provide a burst of flavor while supporting digestion and immunity in this delicious recipe!

Where Do You Buy Ghee Butter? The Full Moon Ghee Shop, of Course!

Sources for This Article:

Sacred Lunar Rituals for the Full and New Moons – Banyan Botanicals

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