Use Ghee Instead of Butter for Improved Wellbeing
Ghee is made from butter, but there are significant differences between butter before it has been clarified and after (a.k.a., turned into ghee!). Regular butter contains milk solids: dairy-derived particles containing lactose and casein. Milk solids are found naturally occurring in milk and cream as well as butter. You may also see “milk solids” listed on ingredient labels. Milk solids are added to foods like yogurt and ice cream to give them a creamier texture, without adding fat. During the process of making ghee, the milk solids are strained and removed, leaving pure butterfat behind. That’s what you get in every jar of Full Moon Ghee. Keep reading to learn some of the key reasons to use ghee instead of butter.
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Why Use Ghee Instead of Butter?
Ghee is delicious, with a buttery flavor and texture. Since the milk solids are removed, ghee is shelf stable (no need for refrigeration). It also has a higher smoke point than butter, as well as almost every other cooking fat. This makes ghee the ideal choice for high-heat cooking, and is a reason to use ghee instead of butter. Why does smoke point matter? According to The Globe and Mail,
“Smoke point refers to the temperature at which an oil starts to burn and smoke. When you cook with oil that’s been heated past its smoke point, you do more than impart a burnt flavour to foods. Beneficial nutrients and phytochemicals found in many unrefined oils are destroyed when the oil is overheated. Overheating also creates harmful free radicals.” (Source: The Globe and Mail)
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More Reasons to Choose Ghee: Lactose and Casein Intolerance
Some people cannot digest lactose, casein, or both. Casein allergies can be serious. The body mistakenly reacts to casein as if it is harmful, triggering a response of the immune system that can lead to swelling, hives, congestion, rash, coughing, wheezing, and even anaphylaxis.
Other people have uncomfortable reactions to lactose, the sugar in milk. Signs of lactose intolerance include bloating, gas, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Lactose intolerance is very common. It is estimated that 65 percent of the world’s population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy. If you notice that you regularly experience digestive discomfort after eating dairy, try removing it from your diet and see if symptoms improve.
Ghee’s lack of lactose and casein is an excellent reason to choose ghee instead of butter. You can still enjoy buttery flavor and texture, without the irritants. Plus, ghee is considered in Ayurveda to improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients — so you get the most out of any food prepared and consumed with ghee!
Sources for This Article:
Casein Allergy Overview – WebMD
Lactose Intolerance – Genetics Home Reference
“Smoke Point” Matters When Cooking with Oil – The Globe and Mail
What Does the Term “Milk Solids” Mean on a Food Label? – Food Watch